The HT1382 is a low power real time clock device with two serial interface: I2C or 3-wire. The
interface mode is selected by the chosen chip version. The device provides both clock and calendar
information in BCD format and also includes alarm functions. The calendar is accurate until the year
2099 and includes automatic leap year correction.
An external 32768Hz crystal is used as the device oscillator for device timing for which is provided an
integrated crystal load capacitance of 12.5pF. The device includes a crystal oscillator temperature
compensation function and internal power control circuitry detects power failures and automatically
switches to the battery supply when a power failure occurs.
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The HT24LC32 is a 32K-bit 2-wire serial read/write
non-volatile memory device using the CMOS floating
gate process. Its 32768 bits of memory are organized
into 4096 words and 8 bits per word. The device is optimizedfor use in many industrial and commercial applications where low power and low vol
The Flash type voice of MCU has Flash type Program
Memory and Connect External flash through SPI Serial
Interface. Offering users the convenience of Flash
Memory multi-programming features, this device also
includes a wide range of functions and features which
include a voice synthesizer and to